Learn More About Energy-Saving Geothermal HVAC Installations

Cutting energy consumption and saving money is on everyone’s mind. Since heating and air conditioning account for about half of your household’s annual energy usage, optimizing your HVAC system’s performance is an excellent place to start. Read on to learn how geothermal HVAC installations work, their benefits and the different types in Carrboro, NC.

How Geothermal HVAC Systems Work

A geothermal HVAC system can transfer heat between the ground, where the temperature remains relatively constant, and your home via a series of pipes and a heat pump. In the winter, it extracts heat from the ground and brings it inside to make it feel warmer. In the summer, it extracts heat from inside your home and transfers it to the ground.

The Benefit of Geothermal HVAC Installations

Geothermal HVAC systems require much less energy than traditional air conditioners and heaters. That’s because rather than generating cold or hot air, they move heat from one area to another to make it feel cooler or warmer. As a result, you pay lower cooling and heating bills and reduce your home’s carbon footprint. Geothermal HVAC systems also last a long time; the interior components can last 25 years, while the ground loop system can last up to 50 years.

Different Types of Geothermal HVAC Systems

There are several types of geothermal HVAC installations, including closed-loop, open-loop and hybrid systems. But most homeowners in Carrboro, NC, will opt for a closed-loop system. Closed-loop geothermal HVAC systems install in horizontal or vertical loops buried near your house. Which you choose will depend on various factors.

Schedule a Geothermal HVAC Installation

Knowing which geothermal HVAC system to install requires professional assistance. Contact Warren-Hay Mechanical today to book a geothermal HVAC installation consultation. We’ll cover how geothermal HVAC systems work in detail, estimate how much you’ll save over the system’s lifespan and address any concerns you might have about the investment.

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