5 Reasons to Invest in Spring HVAC Maintenance

Spring is the time when you start thinking about turning on your air conditioner in Raleigh, NC. While you’re looking forward to the hot summer months ahead, do you know if your system is in peak condition after not using it during the winter? Below are five reasons to invest in spring HVAC maintenance for your home.

Constant Comfort

A maintenance inspection will determine if you have some rooms that are hotter or colder than others and if the unit is the right size for your home. A proper inspection will ensure proper humidity control, without which will lead to indoor air quality issues.

Longer HVAC Lifespan

A neglected HVAC system has increased wear and tear on system components. This increased wear and tear lead to lower efficiency and frequent repair needs. It also lowers the lifespan of your HVAC system, leading to the need to replace the system before its average end of service life.

Lower Energy Bills

If you’re looking for ways to lower your energy bills, rest assured effective maintenance reduces your HVAC energy costs by up to 40%. An inefficient system increases the wear and tear on your unit and makes it work harder.

Keeps Up the Warranty

The warranty on your HVAC system protects you in the event of a malfunction or breakdown that results from a manufacturer fault. The warranty typically covers your HVAC system for 5 to 10 years unless you void the warranty by not having your HVAC system serviced regularly.

Trust in Your System

When you turn on your air conditioner in the spring and summer, you want to know that you can rely on your system to function. When you go to turn on your AC system, you don’t want to wonder if it will kick on when you want it to. Regular HVAC maintenance leads to fewer headaches and fewer worries.

Don’t wait until your system breaks down and needs repairs. Contact Warren-Hay Mechanical today to schedule an HVAC maintenance appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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