How to Keep Your Family Comfortable All Winter

Winter in Hillsborough, North Carolina, can get downright cold. However, you can keep your home nice and warm as long as you follow a few simple tips. At Warren-Hay Mechanical, we’ll help you manage your family’s comfort all winter without the worry of skyrocketing heating bills.

Setting the Right Temperature

Choosing the right temperature is the most effective way to keep your house warm all winter. For the ideal combination of efficiency and comfort, set your thermostat at 68 degrees. At this temperature, your home will still be warm, and you’ll avoid energy waste from frequent cycling.

The right setting will prevent the furnace from running too long. If your family still demands a higher temperature, ensure everyone dresses appropriately. Be sure too, to use blankets and comforters to keep warm at night.

Invest in Annual HVAC Maintenance

Nothing puts your comfort at risk more than a heater malfunction during winter. To ensure your family won’t have to deal with long, chilly nights without heat, schedule a furnace inspection. Our service techs will examine your furnace and repair any issues that could affect its performance.

Regular maintenance is essential because it gives us the opportunity to get ahead of any problems. As a result, you’ll you avoid a heating emergency and expensive repairs. Our team will also be able to optimize your system to ensure it delivers the performance you need, even on the coldest night.

Stop Air Leaks

If cold air is seeping into your home, you’ll have a hard time managing comfort. Seal any leaks by using materials such as weatherstripping, caulk, and draft stops around windows, doors, and outlets on exterior walls. You can also consider adding or upgrading attic insulation to reduce heat transfer. It’s a good idea to have a professional inspect your ductwork for cracks or other issues that affect airflow, energy consumption, and air quality.

Get help keeping your house warm and comfortable all winter. Call the experts at Warren-Hay Mechanical today at 919-732-4362. We’ll ensure your heating system is in tiptop shape to get you through the season.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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